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The oficial site of the Prievidza city

Master Plan for the City of Prievidza

Individual documents in PDF format (Acrobat Reader), constituting the master plan for the City of Prievidza, can be downloaded from this webpage.

Part "A"
Part "B"
Table 1: Regulation of use and space, housing (draft)
Table 2: Regulation of use and space, housing (outlook)
Table 3: Regulation of use and space, services (draft)
Table 4: Regulation of use and space, services (outlook)
Table 5: Regulation of use and space, industrial (draft)
Table 6: Regulation of use and space, industrial (outlook)
Table 7: Natural gas needs until 2020 for proposed functional areas under development
Table 8: Natural gas needs until 2035 for proposed functional areas under development
Table 9: Heating capacity and annual heat use until 2020 for proposed functional areas under development
Table 10: Heating capacity and annual heat use until 2035 for proposed functional areas under development
Table 11: Expected withdrawal of agricultural land from use (1/4)
Table 12: Summary evaluation of agricultural land in relation to the Master Plan in force
City Master Plan - updated 2006 - changes and additions No. 10
City Master Plan - Zoned functional use of land
City Master Plan - Technical infrastructure - transportation systems
City Master Plan - Technical infrastructure - water management
City Master Plan - Technical infrastructure - energy
City Master Plan - Technical infrastructure - information network
City Master Plan - Agricultural land and forest
City Master Plan - Proposed nature protection and establishing green zones including elements
City Master Plan - Scheme for important parts in design and public-service construction

Stránky prevádzkuje
Mesto Prievidza

Námestie slobody č. 14, 971 01 PRIEVIDZA
Tel.:.+421/0/46/51 79 110 | Fax: +421/0/46/542 34 74

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