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The oficial site of the Prievidza city

JUDr. Katarína Macháčková

Dear Citizens and Viewers,

We are living in an extremely dynamic time, when the products of modern technology are no surprise for us. It comes into contact with us at almost every moment and with every step we take. We, too, are using this convenience to run the city, and not just to communicate with citizens in general, but in the final result to completely improve our city's image. From this point of view, we consider the Internet to be extraordinarily efficient and flexible. Today almost every institution has its own website. And the City of Prievidza is no exception. Though the information that is presented using this method appears before the eyes of a large number of people, creating a page brings with it the need to update it regularly. This is being guaranteed by responsible staff members and there is nothing that should prevent you from opening and finding an outpour of the most recent news from all areas of our city's life.

I most cordially welcome you to the new Prievidza website and wish you many useful moments spent "surfing" the passages and recesses of both old Prievidza and our city today.


JUDr. Katarína Macháčková

The City Mayor's office:

By law and under the Constitution of the Slovak Republic, the City Mayor constitutes the city's highest executive authority and represents the city.

The City Mayor is elected by the local citizens every four years, based on universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot (Art. 69 par. 3 of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic and Sec. 1 of Act No. 346/1990 Coll. on Elections to Municipal Administrative Bodies).

The Mayor's office is a public office, which is not carried out under any employment contract. The mayor is not employed by the city, though some claim he is a city employee.

The Mayor's office is embodied in a single person. The Mayor is a member of the City Council, but he is not elected by the City Council. He has a separate and independent position that derives from the law.

Considering how important the mayor's office is, the law regulates any possible conflict of interests within the organization and running of the city's administration.

For this reason the mayor cannot:
  • be a member of the City Council;
  • be an employee of the city where he was elected;
  • be the statutory body of a government agency or government-subsidized organization created within the city where he was elected;
  • chair a region's administrative body;
  • manage a civil service authority;
  • hold another function under a special law.
The mayor is a statutory body in relations that deal with property rights, in legal relations with city employees and the city's administrative bodies and in administrative relationships.

By law and under the Constitution, the city mayor constitutes the highest executive authority and represents the city. The mayor's position also affects the city's obligation to fulfill its duties in the area of civil service and devolved civil service. As the city's independent representative, the mayor may not favor his own personal interests above the city's interests.

The mayor's term of office ends with the election and inauguration of a new mayor. The mayor's mandate may also be terminated for other reasons. The mayor may resign his mandate. The method is set out in Sec. § 13a of the Municipalities Act. Concurrently, this provision determines the reasons for terminating a mayor's mandate. Besides other reasons, a mayor may lose his mandate if he is legally convicted of a deliberate criminal act. The city council may not dismiss the mayor, only the municipality's citizens can vote to dismiss the mayor in cases set out in the Act.

The Mayor administers the city. He decides on all matters concerning the city's administration which is not reserved by the law or organizational rules for the City Council. The Mayor represents the city in relations with government authorities, legal entities and natural persons.

The city mayor's duties are set out in provisions of Sec. 13 of the Municipalities Act. The Mayor:
  • calls and chairs meetings of the City Council and the City Council and the City Board and signs decisions made by them;
  • administers the city;
  • represents the city in relations with government authorities, legal entities and natural persons;
  • decides on all administrative matters within the city that are not reserved by law or the city charter for the City Council;
  • is the statutory body in relations within the city that refer to property rights;
  • is the statutory body in legal relations with the city's employees;
  • is the administrative body in administrative relations;
  • may block measures passed by the City Council.
When serving in the office of city mayor, the law places emphasis on the fact that the Mayor acts in matters that have been and are being decided by the City Council and in matters that have been decided by the citizens of the city in a local referendum. Neither under the Constitution of the Slovak Republic nor under the Municipalities Act is the operation of the city delegated between the Mayor and the City Council.
The City Mayor basically decides on those matters as a member of the Council Member, but acts especially in the preparatory and executive phases. In areas where the City Council exclusively decides, the Mayor must submit himself to the decision of the City Council. The Municipalities Act (Sec. 13 par. 6) allows the Mayor to block any measures passed by the City Council that in his opinion contravenes the law or is markedly disadvantageous for the city, by not signing the measure in the ten-day period after it was passed by the City Council. An important privilege the Mayor has for carrying out administrative functions is the imposing of sanctions. The levying of fines for violating city ordinances or duties mandated by the Mayor (in accordance with § 13 par.8 of the Municipalities Act) does not release a legal entity or natural person from undertaking to fulfill the obligation imposed upon them. The imposition of sanctions (fines, warnings, misdemeanor proceedings) on natural persons - non-commercial entities - operates through the application of laws governing such offenses.

Prievidza City Hall
Námestie Slobody 14
Mestský Dom
2nd Floor, Room 205
971 01 Prievidza

Tel.: +421 46 51 79 100

Stránky prevádzkuje
Mesto Prievidza

Námestie slobody č. 14, 971 01 PRIEVIDZA
Tel.:.+421/0/46/51 79 110 | Fax: +421/0/46/542 34 74

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