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The oficial site of the Prievidza city

Side trips

Cycling Events

Cycling events arranged by Štefan Tomášik – telephone contact: +421 905 719 197- E-mail address: wap and web address:

Bicycle tours , Prievidza and vicinity during 2006
18 March 9.00 AM Cycling season begins – meeting in Dubnica
26 March 10.00 AM Chalmová
16 April 9.00 AM Easter ride to do Čičmany
30 April 10.00 AM Remata , Handlová , Cígeľ
7 May 6.30 AM Kráľová studňa , Gaderská dolina - leaving from railway station
28 May 10.00 AM Štyry chotáre , Budiš , Dubové
25 June 10.00 AM Nitianské Rudno , Nováky
1-2 July 08.00 AM Skalka
23 July 9.00 AM Kláštor pod Znievom
13 August 10.00 AM Kanianka , Šútovské sedlo
26-27 August 8.00 AM Zlaté Moravce
9 September 9.00 AM Baníckou krajnou - Námestie Slobody
17 September 8.00 AM Where we haven’t been yet
1 October 10.00 AM Cycling season ends

Unless a point of departure is mentioned, the meeting place is always in front of the Velo Svet shop in the Sídlisko Mládež neighborhood of Prievidza at the time stated above. In the event of inclement weather, the event is cancelled.
The right is reserved to change the destination, based on the situation and number of participants.

Stránky prevádzkuje
Mesto Prievidza

Námestie slobody č. 14, 971 01 PRIEVIDZA
Tel.:.+421/0/46/51 79 110 | Fax: +421/0/46/542 34 74

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