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The oficial site of the Prievidza city

Ing. Milan Dérer

Acts and activities the Deputy Mayor is authorized to perform:
  1. The Chief Controller holds the remaining city management position, controlling what results from the city's operations.
    Controlling activities are centered on checking legality, efficiency, economics and effectiveness while managing the finances and disposing of the city's assets and property rights as well as property the city uses under special regulations; management of income; expenditures and the city's financial transactions; compliance with legal statutes, including city ordinances; checking how acts passed by the City Council are being fulfilled; compliance with the city's internal regulations; checking how complaints and petitions are being handled and controlling other tasks set out in special laws.
    Control activities are performed independently and without prejudice in accordance with cardinal rules on control activities that are set out in a special law and policies on control activities.
  2. The Chief Controller has the following duties:
    1. conducts audits to the extent set out in paragraph 1;
    2. once every six months submits to the City Council a draft plan on control activities that must be published in the city's official bulletin board at least 15 days before discussion;
    3. prepares an expert opinion on the proposed budget and draft closing account before approval by the City Council;
    4. submits once a year to the City Council, 60 days before the close of the calendar year, a report on control activities;
    5. submits findings in an audit report directly to the City Council at its closest meeting;
    6. cooperates with government authorities in matters of financial management with funds obtained by the city from the government budget or European Union structural funds;
    7. handles complaints, if such are set out in a special law;
    8. fulfills other tasks set out in special laws
  3. The Chief Controller has the authority to inspect records and other documents within the scope of control activities
  4. Subject to the Chief Controller's control activities are:
    1. City Hall;
    2. government agencies and government subsidized organizations established by the city;
    3. legal entities where the city has an equity interest;
    4. other entities that have city assets at their disposal or have received assets from the city for their use, to the extent relating to that asset;
    5. entities that receive special purpose subsidies or recoverable or non-recoverable financial assistance from the city budget, to the extent that they have such funds at their disposal;
  5. The Chief Controller participates in meetings of the City Council and City Board in an advisory role.
  6. The Chief Controller cannot be:
    1. a member of the City Council;
    2. City Mayor;
    3. a member of a legal entity that was established or founded by the city;
    4. another city employee;
    5. under separate regulations
  7. The Chief Controller's term in office ends:
    1. when he resigns his office;
    2. when he is dismissed from office;
    3. when the term to which he was elected expires;
    4. with his death;
    5. on the date when a verdict convicting him of a deliberate criminal act enters legal force, where a sentence of imprisonment has not been suspended;
    6. on the date when a decision rendering him incapable of performing legal acts or restricting his capacity to perform legal acts enters legal force;
    7. on the date when he begins any of the offices under paragraph 6 of this section
  8. The City Council elects the Chief Controller for a term of 6 years.
  9. The City Council establishes the Chief Controller's department, which handles technical, administrative and organizational matters related to the Chief Controller's duties. The Chief Controller is responsible for the department's activities and is its director.
Tel.: +421 46 517 91 30

Stránky prevádzkuje
Mesto Prievidza

Námestie slobody č. 14, 971 01 PRIEVIDZA
Tel.:.+421/0/46/51 79 110 | Fax: +421/0/46/542 34 74

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