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The oficial site of the Prievidza city

Economic and Social Program for the City of Prievidza

The city’s Economic and Social Development Program (ESDP), pursuant to the Act on Support for Regional Development represents a document on medium-term planning for the city’s regional development. The city’s task, under the law cited above, is to prepare, approve and evaluate the program and ensure its implementation.

Contained within the city of Prievidza’s Economic and Social Development Program for 2007-2013 is an analysis of the current situation, potential and opportunities for the city’s development in areas that directly or indirectly relate to the city administration’s decision-making and powers, a SWOT analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, a proposed strategy for developing the city through strategic intentions, goals and instruments and their implementation based on the measures proposed.

The aim of the ESDP is to implement such solutions that will be in accordance with the principles of effective, responsible and transparent local administration and which will be directed toward economically sustainable development for the city.

Stránky prevádzkuje
Mesto Prievidza

Námestie slobody č. 14, 971 01 PRIEVIDZA
Tel.:.+421/0/46/51 79 110 | Fax: +421/0/46/542 34 74

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