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The oficial site of the Prievidza city

Side trips

Day 6

The area around Nitrianske Rudnoalso offers a number of attractions. Directly in the town of Nitrianske Rudno is a reservoir, which is a center for water sports and fishing. The reservori has a spiral chute and water bicycles can be rented there. There are also places to camp by the reservoir. South of Nitrianske Rudno is the village of Mačov, where the Hipo Riding Club is located. In the opposite direction, heading north from Nitrianska Rudno, is the Temešská Skala reservation with hiking available. On the road back to Prievidza, you can stop for lunch or dinner at Salaš Víglaš (road to Bojnice).

Stránky prevádzkuje
Mesto Prievidza

Námestie slobody č. 14, 971 01 PRIEVIDZA
Tel.:.+421/0/46/51 79 110 | Fax: +421/0/46/542 34 74

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